Sunday, September 23, 2007

Vishwa Manav Sewa Ashram is located at Narkatiaganj township of West Champaran District, Bihar. Established in 1997 and started with the medical treatment and rehabilitation of lepers and during course of its evolution Ashram targeted many deeply rooted social evils and ill practices prevalent in surrounding village communities. At present Ashram is playing imminent role in the following areas in villages:

· Universalizing education for the identified disadvantaged section.
· Girl education and the women empowerment through functional and vocational education.
· Education of the physically challenged, leprosy afflicted children.
· Education for the children of leprosy patients living in and out of the Ashram.
· Emphasis on the moral values and vocational education to make a responsible citizen.
· Mainstreaming the children from non-formal to formal system.

Treatment of the leprosy patients.
Practicing Yoga, Pranayam and naturopathy to ensure the prevention and eradication of the diseases among the children of the targeted groups.
Campaign with the help of “Peace Army” of children in spreading awareness in the villages about the value of sanitation and hygiene in keeping the diseases and doctors away.
Eye Camps

Abolition of the child labour
Discouraging child marriage by effective negotiations with parents and the community.
Discouraging the practice of women harassment like dowry death, rape, abduction through community awareness and inculcating the similar sensations against such evils in children through the renouncing appeal through prescribed educational bridge course materials.

Seeking active and regular participation of the disadvantaged sections through self employment programme of cattle grazing and dairy farming, vegetable production and agriculture farming, cotton-yearning, knitting and embroidery, tailoring etc.
Social transformation by empowerment of the girls & women through capacity building programs


Plantation of trees in the towns and villages.
Educating people in the peace campaigns about the methods and ideas to maintain and keep villages and streets neat and clean.

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